Koroberi is a B2B integrated marketing agency located in the North Carolina's booming Triangle. Koroberi specializes in branding, content creation, PR, advertising and digital strategy.


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Arkieva SEO

Securing a prominent position on search engine results pages (SERPs) is crucial for attracting buyers. In fact, B2B buyers spend the highest percentage of their buying journey (27%) researching online independently (Gartner, 2019), making search engine optimization (SEO) vital for driving awareness, interest and consideration of your business among prospects.

Arkieva, a leading supply chain planning and consultation provider, saw their organic search traffic decline over the years and without intervention, they predicted site visits would continue to decrease about 30% year-over-year. The marketing team recognized the urgency to reverse that trend, and came to Koroberi to craft a strategic SEO campaign to help elevate Arkieva’s online presence.

Strategy Crafting a winning strategy

Our first step was to conduct a thorough audit of Arkieva’s existing search engine performance. This included evaluating the brand’s keyword performance and benchmarking that against their competitors, reviewing their linking strategy and assessing the site’s technical markers. We determined that the Arkieva website was technically sound – it loaded quickly, passed accessibility testing, had a strong backlink profile and utilized best practices for intrasite linking. But while the brand ranked well in the SERPs for technical keywords, they lacked visibility for broader keywords that tended to get more search volume. So we focused our efforts on strategic keyword optimization.

Dart hitting the middle of a target Prioritizing target keywords

We started by expanding the brand’s target keyword list from 16 to 158 words and phrases that aligned with the brand’s business goals, areas of expertise and service offerings. This process included:

  • Evaluating the language used on the live site, reviewing topic clusters and exploring synonyms.
  • Analyzing actual search behavior across platforms like Google, YouTube, Quora, Reddit and social media.
  • Gauging keyword popularity and competition with tools like MOZ and SEMrush.

Each of these target keywords had to pass our sniff test: Is it broad enough to be used in a significant number of searches, but specific enough to be relevant to the Arkieva audience and industry? Is it the terminology Arkieva customers and prospects use? Does it align with Arkieva’s strategic priorities?

Target Optimizing webpages

With the finalized keyword list in hand, we moved onto optimizing content on the brand’s 50 most important webpages. These are the pages we wanted to drive users to because they provided the most compelling information and opportunities to convert. We identified which target keyword(s) from our list would be the best fit, carefully edited the page’s body copy to include it naturally, and also worked it strategically into the page title, meta description, section headers, image file names and image alt text. Once we pushed these updates live, we conducted thorough quality assurance checks for each page to ensure a seamless user experience for humans and search engine bots alike.

Two gears Preserving gains

We didn’t stop at the optimization of the site’s existing state. We wanted to ensure the Arkieva marketing team was equipped to carry out these SEO best practices for all new and updated web content. Koroberi created an interactive tool that included a custom checklist, live working area with preset parameters and focus keyword guidance.

Trophy Realizing results

Within just a few weeks, our targeted SEO efforts resulted in a 729% rise in search visibility, and Arkieva’s target keywords moved up an average of 14 positions on Google, including:

Position Changes
Keyword Position change
supply chain planning systems +53
supply chain planning software +40
s&op +39
collaborative forecasting +25
multi-echelon inventory optimization +22
inventory analyzer +22
integrated business planning +19
supply chain planning solutions +15
demand planning and forecasting +12

That enhanced SERP visibility, in turn, drove significant traffic to Arkieva site, including:

increase in organic search users
0 %
YoY increase in organic search traffic
0 %

And it was the right traffic, too. During this same timeframe, the Arkieva site saw an 8% increase in audience engagement rate.

This initiative set the foundation for the sustained growth of Arkieva’s online presence. We’ve since collaborated with the company on additional metadata updates and a new blog strategy to continue the positive trajectory.

Ready to elevate your brand’s online presence?

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